Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Masked Ranger Dies

A few years ago, I created this character on a messageboard, along with a few wonderful and talented women. They both brought out a beautiful balance to my writing and I enjoyed writing with them. We created some of the most hilarious stories and characters.

The Masked Ranger - the dashing and handsome hero, who always rushed in to help the Damsel in distress. He would swoop in, sweep her off her feet, but at the end of each day he would ride out alone into the sunset.

Ranidae Frog - Ranger's faithful amphibious sidekicked. Rani was smart and cute (with his slender green frog legs, red cape and mask.) He was always there for Ranger, even if he was little chicken. (Not that he just tasted like it!) But, Rani was a lot like Ranger, because he really, really loved the ladies.

Chawlie Ferret - Chawlie wasn't the brightest ferret to walk the earth, but he sure was cute. He was a bit on the paranoid side, but no matter what happened, he was always right next to his partner and best friend Rani. (Though Rani usually took advantage of Chawlie and made him to be his guinea pig.)

Then there were his Rangerettes - Sabrina and Willow.

Sabrina (Sabs) was the smart one - the more maternal one. She kept everyone in line, including Ranger. She held a special place in his heart. No matter how much he helped the Damsels, he always came back to Sabrina and her white leather outfit. White represented the pure at heart, and that was Sabrina.

Willow clad in her black leather and her extra pointy Xena bra, was not a woman you wanted to mess with. Chawlie however was obsessed with her, and she tolerated him. Willow never asked where or when - she was always there and ready to fight. Of course, she'd get mad if she broke a nail.

This was the perfect group of heros. Other came and went - but none were as good or blended together more than Ranger, Rani, Chawlie, Sabrina & Willow.

Tonna and her pink leather and obsession with shopping came later, along with Rocky the Racoon. But, the saga of the Masked Ranger wouldn't be complete without Jessica Rabbit. She was the artist and mysterious aide that would show up at just the right time.

Those days were good, but just like all other heroes, their time in the spotlight couldn't last forever.

The woman behind Sabrina is supposed to be writing down their exploits, and hopefully one day get them published. I really hope she does. But, for me - the person behind the mask - Ranger has died. His identity has been revealed and he has finally rode off into that sunset, never to be seen again.

For how could he survive without his Sabrina? How can he save the next damsel without Willow, Rani & Chawlie?

I will always remember the gang with fond memories, and miss them greatly. They touched my heart as much as Superman, Spiderman or King Arthur ever had.

You never know about the hero that lurkes somewhere deep inside of us. Sometimes it takes an angel (Celeste) in white to bring them out, and what is sad through the whole thing - is that none of these women will probably know how much they were loved and appreciated.

Until next time,

T.L. Gray