COMPOST HAPPENS : Confessions of a
By Shelly Hargis
later it all it all turns to compost, including the gardener. After growing
ornamentals a dozen years on a rocky hard clay slope, the queen of gardening
gaffes confesses why: “I don’t do bugs, the buck stops here, some plants are
X-rated and God will get even with you; attacks from crape murderers and a fat
chance of rain may lead to horticultural holocaust and a decent burial;
attitude is everything in a pricey pa$t-time that sure beats a shrink, may be
in the genes and have one asking, ‘Can this disease be cured?’”
About the Author:
Shelly Hargis Murphy
grew up in the desert Southwest in a horticultural - challenged environment.
She married her college sweetheart and they moved so often the next 25 years
with his coaching career she only planted annuals in pots. It wasn’t until they
settled in Georgia in 1993, that she could finally put down serious roots. By
2002, when she received certification as
a Georgia Master
Gardener, she’d made enough mistakes to fill a how-not-to-garden book. She and
her husband, Ed, live in Carrollton.
ISBN: 978-1-938230-03-5 Soft
Cover / 978-1-938230-07-3 ebook
Vabella Publishing
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