Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Voices of Authority

I love listening to podcasts while I work. Some of my favorites are Jocko Willink at #JockoPodcast, Mike Ritland at #MikeDrop, Marcus and Morgan Luttrell at #TeamNeverQuit, David Rutherford at #FrogLogic, Shawn Ryan at #VigilanceElite, Andy Stumpf at #ClearedHot, Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark at #MyFavoriteMurder and motivational videos by David Goggins. 
Life is hard.  Getting up every day to push my aging body into a healthy state, going to work all day, and then running around doing all the errands life has in store for me like grocery shopping, walking the dog, checking the mail, paying bills, cleaning, cooking, etc., that make my life my life – can be draining on the mind, heart, body and soul.  While I have learned a long, long, long time ago that no one is going to motivate me more than I’m going to motivate myself, I sometimes can use a little help.
I’m careful what I listen to, just like I have to be careful what I eat.  What I pour into my body, mind, heart and soul is what I am going to reap. I push hard because I want good results.  I keep going when I don’t feel like it because my desire for my goal is more than my desire to be lazy.  Believe me, I want to take the easy road. I’ve been begging for the easy road my whole life, but it doesn’t seem I’m made for the easy road.  I feel like I’m a pulpwood truck designed to carry heavy loads down pot-hole-ridden dirt roads, when I want to be a Lamborghini flying down the Autobahn. Instead I slap some pretty paint over my rough body and get to work.
I’ve chosen the podcasts I listen to for a purpose – to receive strength. These are warriors, pioneers, over-achievers, inspirers, motivators and leaders.  They are Navy SEALs, MMA fighters, Ju-Jitsu teachers, runners, comedians, professionals, survivors, poets and professionals. They don’t just talk shit – they do it. I don’t want to hear talk from someone who’s read about it, studied it, or has thoughts and ideas about something … I want to hear from people who KNOW, who have sacrificed, who have put the work in, who have paid the price – and STILL keeps fighting, never quits, never accepts the excuses that life hands to them on a daily basis. I want to learn from someone who has some authority. I don’t want to THINK about doing something - I want to overcome. I am a survivor. I am a fighter. I am warrior.  I am a woman.
So, let’s go Jocko.  Let that smooth, deep, voice of authority lead me into the wisdom and knowledge of your experience and leadership. Thank you for letting me know I’m not the only insane 4am warrior in this universe. Love Echo’s questions – keep ‘em coming. Let’s go, Mike. Keep reminding me to be real, to lay it all out there, and remember my humanity, my training, and my discipline. You’re a stone for this tumbleweed. Man, I love you. I have loved EVERY podcast I have listened from you. I hope my opinion matters in this case, because I sure as Hell know it doesn’t on your podcast.  Let’s go, Rut. Pour out your poems and your deep-rooted hope that stirs my soul. Let’s go Marcus and Morgan – keep reminding me to never give up, to never quit, and that there is life after survival.  Andy, Andy, Andy …you’re one smart cookie – keep letting me know I can’t be cleared hot and that danger is always close. Come on, Goggins – help me bear the suffering and keep running and keep standing in that mirror of accountability. Keep showing me I don’t have to be defined by this world that I can do anything I set my mind to accomplish if I’m willing to really suffer for it. Hooyah! Come on Ryan, push that vigilance, take aim at the target, and keep true.  Come on Karen and Georgia, make me laugh and do it while reminding me the world is full of dangerous people, and show me how strong, smart, opinionated, foul-mouthed woman can succeed. Oh, and the lessons on murder – well, who knows if those will come in handy someday.
All these people are beautiful inspirations to me. Each of them have inspired me and motivated me to keep going, and they do it every day.  They are filling my heart and my mind with the tools and weapons I need to keep pushing to succeed, and I appreciate the hell out of them. They are my voices of authority. 
God is my ultimate authority, but I believe these are his modern-day prophets.  They LIVE his Word in truth and deed.  They’re not preachers or evangelists knocking on your doors and trying to push a belief on you. They’re real people, real heroes, and real examples. I don’t want to just hear or read a principle, I want to see it in action, I want to see it applied, I want to see the results it produces, and I love what these men and women are producing. 
I never listened to podcasts before, but now I don’t want to go through my day without them. Check these guys out. I promise you won’t be sorry.
Till next time,
~T.L. Gray

Podcast Links:

My Favorite Murder - https://www.myfavoritemurder.com/
Jocko Podcast - http://jockopodcast.com/

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