Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Behind This Window

I stand behind this window and peer into a cold, wet world, but not with sadness.  The silver raindrops of my soul have stopped falling and the sunlight threatens to break through the clouds. 

I stand behind this window and peer into a cold, wet world, but with gladness.  The colorful rainbows of my hope have risen and the dark clouds that threaten have dissipated.

Don’t give up on me.  I haven’t given up on myself and I need you to help keep me strong. It’s so easy to stand behind this window and peer into a cold, wet world, but so hard not to open the window and let it inside.

Till next time,
~T.L. Gray

1 comment:

  1. And some days it's difficult not to throw a rock through the window and cut yourself on the pieces.
