Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Joy of Writing

Today is the halfway mark in the NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) challenge, the fifteenth day of thirty days and nights of literary abandon to write a 50,000 word novel.  I’m excited to say that I’m well beyond the mid-point curve, facing less than 3,000 words to win the challenge, and perhaps 15,000 words to complete the novel.  My biggest testament of this contest - for the past fifteen days I have relished the true joy of writing.  It’s not only exciting, frustrating, cathartic and even a touch erotic, but truly one of the few things in which I participate that brings me complete joy.

I wake in the mornings with an excitement and an urgency to get started, and quickly jump into my writing regiment (make a thermos full of coffee, get my particular snacks out, pre-make lunch, start the background music, pull out my notes, adjust the office lighting and temperature, and then boot my computer).

I believe we are all made for a particular purpose, a specific task in this life.  I’ve done many things in my life, held many different jobs, walked in many different levels of income, success and social standing.  By the world’s standards, choosing to be an author and spending the majority of my days writing, editing and marketing my finished products, is not considered a rational, practical or  a socially accepted form of employment; where success is measured in sales, networking and social status instead of content and creativity.

I thank God I’ve discovered my purpose, because in it I’ve found my joy.  I know the world is set against me, to steal that happiness and rob me of its presence and its benefits.  I have to protect it, like a valued treasure.  I have to purge those obstacles from my life, encourage myself daily, and stand firm the course set before me.  Some days it’s a challenge, but most days, I do with a smile on my face.

I wish this sense of fulfillment and purpose for everyone.  While we are approaching the joy of the holiday seasons, I’m blessed I’ve found something that brings me joy every day.

Till next time,
~T.L. Gray

P.S. For my fellow NaNoWrimers – keep going.  You’re halfway there! You can do it!

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