Friday, October 26, 2012

NaNoWriMo 2012

10 …9 …8 …7 …6 days left and then the madness begins.  November 1, 2012 is the first day of (Na)tional (No)vel (Wri)ting (Mo)nth.  This annual event is described as “Thirty days and nights of literary abandon”.  I find this sentiment both euphoric and a nightmare waiting to happen.

So far, my journey in preparation for this literary abandon has been exciting while I’ve been outlining, compiling character dossiers, researching locations, environments, muses, and timelines.  However, if October is any indication of what may occur during November, I’m in for some pretty wild roadblocks.  I have less than a week to complete my ‘preparations’ to be sufficiently ready for Nov 1st – that is, if I can avoid computer problems, switching internet providers, having to prepare and market author events, editing projects, website, social media, and resume updates, or writing club and tutorial service participation, not to mention a few lunch dates and birthday celebrations with friends and family. 

I mentioned all the above to get to this point.  During the month of November, my friends, family, club and church members, business clients, and social aquaintences are just going to have to forgive me for my stress, erratic behavior, absence, and avoidance during the month of November.  This is my official proclamation.  Don’t say you haven’t been warned. 
For my NaNoWriMo companions – GOOD LUCK!

Till next time,
~T.L. Gray

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