Friday, November 10, 2006

Crazy4Smallville's Weekly Review 6:7

What an episode! Not that it had a lot of bells and whistles, but it had a very strong moral fiber backbone that you might have missed unless you looked really close.

I have a feeling that this episode probably won't be on the top of everyone's list, it contained a lot of 'growth' for Clark. While it didn't showcase his 'abilities', it showed what truly makes him 'super' - his heart and his zest for truth, justice and etc.

I.e. - While Oliver is out 'saving the world', he's doing it without the maturity needed to do it right. His heart is in the right place, but his priorities and his maturity level still has a lot of room for growth. Opposite of that you have Clark, who's taking the time to mature, making sure that his path is clearly defined before he steps into the role. I guess it kind of goes along with the old adage about whether a title makes a person or the person makes a title. I personally feel that people should walk in something long before they receive that title or recognition. Here Clark is doing just that - he's being Superman long before he ever receives the acknowledgement. The Green Arrow saw this maturity and greatness in Clark and realized he didn't have it in himself - yet. So, though Clark didn't have a costume and wasn't out 'saving the world', he was still being the hero by doing what was right (not allowing Lex to die, etc.)

Clark also made a major leap when it came to Lana. He was able to control his own emotions when Chloe and Lana met for lunch. He's showing that he's moving beyond her. He also showed it when he busted into the mansion (which I thought he wasn't supposed to do anymore) and displayed his concern for her, not his emotions. He had compassion, but it was with the heart, not the chemistry.

Clark and Lois - I love their banter and I LOVED when she dissed him by pointing out her trust for Chloe's action over his. This is the way it's supposed to be between them - Lois thinking Clark is an incapable of helping anybody, when he's the true hero behind it all. I think they're finally starting to set up the dual identity personality that literally blinds Lois from discovering the truth about Superman. I've always heard that it was Clark' s glasses that kept his identity secret, but it was the persona of Clark being inept that was his true mask.

tonight's episode was about 'love' and how it shaped everyone into who they were. Because of the love that the Kent's poured into Clark his whole life, they helped formed him into the superhero he is and he can't help but pour that love out to everyone around him. For the past few years Clark has fought against his destiny with Jor-El because of who he thought Jor-El to be - a cold, heartless dictator. But, he's beginning to learn just how much love Jor-El had for him, discovering what a great man he was and how he saved Clark because of his love for Clark and for the human race. This lines up with what Clark knows and understands, because it's what his parents have poured into him his whole life. Superman's weakness has always been his 'love' for humanity, not a cold, hard rock.

Opposite of that you have Lana and Lex. Lana lost her parents at a really young age and then was abandoned by her aunt Nell when she was still young and in highschool. She didn't have that firm, solid foundation of love and she has been on a crusade her whole life to find it. It has taken her from one bad relationship to the next. Her relationship didn't work with Clark, not because Clark didn't love her, but because she didn't love herself. I firmly believe that you can't pour love out into another person unless you are first filled with it yourself. Lana desired what Clark had (the love of and for his family and friends), but confused it with desiring Clark.

Lex, whose mother died when he was young and was raised by the cold, calculating Lionel, also doesn't know how to love, yet desired the same of Clark. He desires what Clark has and that has led to his desire for Lana. He can't love, because he doesn't have any love for or in himself.

This was illustrated through the Thanksgiving dinners. At the Kent farm, everything was warm, cozy, close and full of love (even with Lionel Luthor there). When Clark gave his thanksgiving speech, he acknowledged the love that was given to him by his parents as being what formed him into the great man that he was. Everyone at that table (except Lois) knew his secret and knew what a great compliment he paid to his parents. Opposite of that you had Lex and Lana sitting apart from each other at a long, cold, formal table. They were doing the best they could, but you can't do much with what you don't have.

Well, anyway. I had a longer review, but most of it got deleted by accident. I didn't realize it would be so long and so philosophical.

Till next time,
~T.L. Gray

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