Monday, August 19, 2013

Mistakes or Learning Experiences

If you ask me, I’ll tell you I’ve made a lot of mistakes, right along with a lot of bad decisions.  Who hasn’t?  Some of us just seem a bit more talented at it than others, or so it seems. But if I really look back over my life, over my choices, over my failures, mistakes, misunderstandings, mischievous and devious behaviors, there’s none of them I really regret.  I regret consequences, I regret a lot of the circumstances or decisions that led to some of my choices and actions, but I don’t regret my participation.  Why?  Because I know all the choices I’ve made have been my own, and they were made honestly; whether good or bad, that’s not what I’m talking about – only that they’re mine.
Don’t get me wrong.  There have been a LOT of things happen in my life I was neither responsible, nor held any control, and I wish had never happened.  I’m still trying to work through the effects of some, and will always bear the scars of others, but I carry no regrets. I have anger, sadness, disappointment, hurt, pain, and also forgiveness and mercy, but not regrets. I am only responsible for my own choices.  I cannot control what anyone else chooses or the consequences of those choices – even if it is to my own destruction, pain and detriment.  I only have the power to choose how I respond.
I have made a lot of mistakes in this life.  I’m sure to make a lot more.  I look at those moments, not with regret, but as valuable learning experiences.  I’m not perfect, and can guarantee many more mistakes to come.  I promise I will make them honestly, and without regret.   How you respond …is up to you.
Till next time,
~T.L. Gray

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