Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Voyage to Magic Island - Completed!

I've done it. I've written the last word and typed the last period. Boy, does it feel good.

I started Magic Island in October and three months later, she's done. I have to admit it was an easy three months, with all the pressure rolled into the last two weeks. I'm happy with it. I think it's some of my best work. I had fun with this one. I took my time and let it unfold on it's own.

Magic Island was one of the first stories I wrote down. It started as a tale that I told my children (then 8,6 & 1), but never completed. After writing the first two books of my Necromancer series and Milledgeville Misfit, I thought it was time to revisit Magic Island. I couldn't be happier with the outcome.

Sometimes I sit back in wonder, contemplating on where these stories come from. Sometimes they feel alien to me - like I am just the vessel, a mere scribe, chosen to write them down. Somehow this great adventure needed to be born and I was picked to bring it into this world, much the same way a child is born. Both are a labor of love.

So, now it's time to send this new child of mine into the world. Let's hope she can fly.

Till next time,
~T.L. Gray

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